Vufine is ON and getting correct HDMI input. You should see the image on Vufine.
Flashing Blue
Vufine is ON but there is no or incorrect HDMI input. If the Vufine continues to receive no/incorrect video signal, it will turn itself off and LED goes off.
Solid Red
Vufine is charging (turns off once fully charged)
Slow Flashing Red
Battery remaining level is lower than 5%
Changing the display modes
Vufine Plus has three different display modes to get the best possible viewing for the different type of inputs. There are different display modes for:
Types of input video size and orientation
Widescreen landscape such as PC, Mac
Standard screen landscape such as tablets
Portrait for smartphones
Three display modes
Charge Vufine
Connect the Vufine to a USB port to charge its battery. Use the micro USB cable for charging. The red LED with turn ON when it is charging and turns OFF when it is fully charged. It takes about 45 minutes to fully charge the battery.
Use Vufine while charging
Vufine can be used while charging.
If you need a longer battery life, use a mobile battery to keep Vufine powered and charged.