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Wearing Vufine in Bright Sunlight  


Nadhiya Govindaraj
Joined: 8 years  ago
Posts: 34
12/07/2018 9:23 pm  

When your eyes are exposed to bright sunlight, your retina will shrink in reaction to the light. Therefore, it can be difficult for your eyes to view any screen while outdoors. We have found that simply wearing a cap mitigates this issue.

Nadhiya Govindaraj
Joined: 8 years  ago
Posts: 34
12/07/2018 9:34 pm  

Here is a DIY hack:

Joined: 7 years  ago
Posts: 2
12/08/2018 4:43 pm  

Wearing vufine in a bright light setting is quite a challenge.


I purchased for a specific reason,  eliminate the monitor on my HiPod system for recording sporting events.  Using the original monitor, not only is bright sun a challenge, but with several spinal surgeries the constant twisting to follow the play and screen usually left me in considerable pain and the bedridden for several days.

So, yes....any bright light will be a challenge with ANY screen.  However, vufine relies on use of one eye.  The eyes work when one eye constricts to adjust to lighting so does the other.  So again, yes....the sunglasses do help.  But there are still other issues.....glare.

There are several glare issues....all that can be resolved.   The key is blocking out as much light as possible on the vufine eye.   Glare and reflections come from....the glasses, the vufine and your eyeball.

My solution (DIY hack).    Buy motorcycle glasses with removable lenses and side block out.  Use tinted lense on non vufine eye....controls the concentric reflex of iris

Next, use clear lense on vufine side.  Block light between vufine and glasses by creating shroud.  Use camera eyepiece from old canon A1, fits perfectly over vufine and cup rests on lense nicely.  Still allows for adjusting.

Lastly, need to black out behind lense on glasses, remove light from side.  The motorcycle glasses with foam do a nice job on their own, but I found adding soft foam (cut out to match the lense with a opening for my eye) worked best.

Cost.....under $10.  Buy 3 pack of glasses from Amazon for $8

It's not the prettiest, but it works great.  I can still watch the game and carry on a conversation with people and still stay focused on the action.

I suggest Vufine develop a set of blackout glasses specifically designed for use with their product.   

This particular set up will sell to all those using vufine in bright settings.


Also.....use stronger magnet.  Moves way too easily and detaches occasionally.

Great product....time for improvements

Joined: 7 years  ago
Posts: 2
12/08/2018 4:44 pm  

Wearing vufine in a bright light setting is quite a challenge.


I purchased for a specific reason,  eliminate the monitor on my HiPod system for recording sporting events.  Using the original monitor, not only is bright sun a challenge, but with several spinal surgeries the constant twisting to follow the play and screen usually left me in considerable pain and the bedridden for several days.

So, yes....any bright light will be a challenge with ANY screen.  However, vufine relies on use of one eye.  The eyes work when one eye constricts to adjust to lighting so does the other.  So again, yes....the sunglasses do help.  But there are still other issues.....glare.

There are several glare issues....all that can be resolved.   The key is blocking out as much light as possible on the vufine eye.   Glare and reflections come from....the glasses, the vufine and your eyeball.

My solution (DIY hack).    Buy motorcycle glasses with removable lenses and side block out.  Use tinted lense on non vufine eye....controls the concentric reflex of iris

Next, use clear lense on vufine side.  Block light between vufine and glasses by creating shroud.  Use camera eyepiece from old canon A1, fits perfectly over vufine and cup rests on lense nicely.  Still allows for adjusting.

Lastly, need to black out behind lense on glasses, remove light from side.  The motorcycle glasses with foam do a nice job on their own, but I found adding soft foam (cut out to match the lense with a opening for my eye) worked best.

Cost.....under $10.  Buy 3 pack of glasses from Amazon for $8

It's not the prettiest, but it works great.  I can still watch the game and carry on a conversation with people and still stay focused on the action.

I suggest Vufine develop a set of blackout glasses specifically designed for use with their product.   

This particular set up will sell to all those using vufine in bright settings.


Also.....use stronger magnet.  Moves way too easily and detaches occasionally.

Great product....time for improvements


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